
Thursday, 31 May 2012

I like them because...

Assalamualaikum.. and good day, readers.. hari ni.. I wanna write in English mix with Malay .. haha..
  so today's post gonna be about a few English singers whom their songwriting inspire me..

1. Taylor Swift 

  I really love her songs.. really inspire me!! I even use some of her lyrics in my English essays during examination ..(kalau teacher baca jangan marah ekk??) . She wrote songs about fairytale romance but what I love about her songs is she really honest in expressing her feelings.. plus, she's a great guitar player!!
I <3 you, Taylor.

2. Christina Perri
I love her songs such as Jar of Hearts and A Thousand Years.. the songs have very beautiful lyrics in them.. she's also a good guitar player and has a very beautiful voice.. her song writing also inspires me a lot!

3. Adele

Another one in the list is Adele! she has a very unique voice but yet her writing really blows my mind! her song Someone Like You really brought tears to my eyes.. plus.. the new song .. Rumor Has It.. that is really a kind of 21st century song! I love her too..

so that's all for now.. malas nk tulis panjang2... lagipun.. yang 3 nie jer yg paling menyerlah .. (bagi aku la)
aku plak.. tengah pasang impian nak jadi penulis novel.. eh3.. perasan.!! but who knows someday novel aku jadi best seller .. Insya-Allah..

apa eh nickname aku klau jadik novelist?

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